On June 22-23, 1975, the world was shocked by the tragic death of Shirley Finn, a prominent brothel madam, nightclub operator, and socialite. But this wasn’t just any ordinary murder case – it was a tangled web of corruption, power, and scandal. Just two days before her death, Shirley had planned to expose several high-profile politicians and police officers in a tax hearing that would have sent shockwaves through the establishment. Despite decades of investigations, the mystery of who killed Shirley Finn and why remains unsolved.
The Mysterious Execution-Style Shooting of Shirley Finn: A Tragic Tale of Power and Corruption
On the night of June 22-23, 1975, tragedy struck as Shirley Finn was brutally murdered by an unknown assailant. The next morning, her lifeless body was found slumped over the wheel of her white Dodge Phoenix, parked at the Royal Perth Golf Course. The cause of death was four fatal shots to the head, marking the end of a fearless woman who stood up against corruption and injustice.”
The Incredible Rise of Shirley Finn: From Housewife to Notorious Brothel Owner and Socialite
The life of Shirley Finn reads like a Hollywood potboiler, as she soared from a middle-class housewife to a notorious brothel owner and socialite in just a few years. With her quick wit and ambition, she made influential connections in Perth and established herself as one of the city’s only three “Madams”. Her brothel was a sought-after destination for the most high-profile individuals in town, cementing her place in the city’s social and economic elite.”
Elton John Takes the Stage at Shirley Finn’s Extravagant Soirée: The Biggest Party of the Year Down Under
The stars aligned and the city of Perth was buzzing with excitement on the evening of March 18, 1974. Shirley Finn, the vivacious socialite and hostess extraordinaire, threw the biggest party of the year, attracting the who’s who of Australia. Politicians rubbed elbows with heads of state, while underworld dons mixed with senior police officials.
But the real highlight of the night was none other than the legendary Elton John! As the guest of honor, he set the stage ablaze with his electrifying performance. The party elevated Shirley’s profile and solidified her position as one of Perth’s most well-known and sought-after socialites. A night to remember for sure, and a moment in history that will live on forever.

The Rebellious Journey of Shirley Finn: From a Troubled Adolescent to a Fearless Brothel Madam and Socialite
Born Shirley June Shewring on November 2nd, 1941, she was the eldest child of a bomber pilot who served in World War II. Shirley spent her early years with her mother in the suburbs of Perth, Australia, where she developed a headstrong and rebellious personality, often clashing with her parents’ strict religious beliefs.
As a teenager, Shirley embraced her rebellious spirit and defied her parents by smoking, drinking, and wearing makeup. This led to a dramatic turning point in her life when, in 1955, she was caught with a 20-year-old man and punished by the law.
The punishment took her to the Home of the Good Shepherd, where she was subjected to harsh conditions as a part of a work program for troubled girls. Despite the long hours of forced labor and physical abuse, Shirley never lost her spirit. After eight months, she returned home and dropped out of school to start working at a city frock shop, where she met the love of her life, Des Finn.
Her parents disapproved of the relationship, but Shirley, now 15, was determined to follow her heart. She continued to see Des and embarked on a journey that would lead her to become one of the most fearless and influential figures in Perth as a brothel madam, nightclub operator, and socialite.
Shirley Finn’s Journey to Overcoming Adversities – The Rise of a Strong-Willed Single Mom
In November 1958, Des Van married Shirley Shewring and moved to Melbourne with him. Upset over the marriage, Shirley’s parents refused to speak to her. They had no family support as Des’s family lived in England.
Despite being shunned by her parents, she bravely raised her three children on her own after her husband’s tragic accident in 1962 left him partially crippled and in need of rehabilitation at Heathcote Mental Hospital.
To make ends meet, Shirley worked as a stripper, body painter, and escort, and even joined a witchcraft coven in Kings Park, Sydney, that practiced “black magic.” Despite social stigma and persecution, she fearlessly continued to run her business, Regency Escorts, which she opened with her husband in 1969. Unfortunately, in March of that same year, the police raided her business premises and she was charged with keeping the premises for immoral purposes. This led to her family being socially shunned and her children being forced to leave their Catholic elementary school.
Shirley Finn’s story is a testament to the strength and perseverance of a single mother who, against all odds, never gave up on her family and her dreams.

Shirley Finn’s liaison with Vice Squad Chief Bernard Johnson
As Perth boomed with the seventies mining rush, young male workers flocked to the city in search of quick money in the gold mines. With an influx of men, the demand for escorts skyrocketed, leading to an opportunity for high-level police officials, including Bernard Johnson, the Vice Squad Chief, to profit from the illegal world of prostitution.
However, operating a brothel was not possible for Bernard, so he chose three women with established prostitution networks, Dorothea Flatman, Stella Strong, and Shirley Finn, to run brothels in Perth under his secretive protection. These women were given the green light to operate, knowing they had the backing of the Vice Squad Chief himself.
Shirley’s Transformation into a Glamorous Socialite
Along with her colleagues, Finn achieved impressive success in her line of work and amassed a considerable fortune. This newfound prosperity allowed Finn to shine as a dazzling socialite and associate with the elite of society.
Finn maintained a confidential partnership with the Perth Police, consistently offering substantial protection fees every week. This arrangement proved advantageous for both Finn and the police, and her success only continued to soar.
The End of Shirley and Des Van’s Marriage: A Tale of Envy and Success
While Finn’s professional life was thriving, her personal life was far from ideal. As Finn’s success grew, Des became increasingly resentful of her. She frequently traveled to Singapore and Hong Kong on business trips, fueling speculation that she was laundering money for Perth’s wealthy. This only fueled Des’s anger, leading him to initiate divorce proceedings.
In 1970, Des officially ended their marriage and returned to England with their three children. Despite this, Finn continued to support her family with her substantial wealth generated from her prostitution ventures.
Shirley Soars to New Heights with Vice Squad’s Support
With the backing of the vice squad, Shirley basked in her triumphs. In 1971, she made a bold move and established her own brothel. Not content with just one successful venture, she also acquired a nightclub and transformed it into the dazzling “Strip-O-Rama.” To top it off, Shirley realized her lifelong dream and purchased a luxurious mansion in South Perth.
Des’s Return and a Changed Dynamic
In 1972, Des returned to Australia with the children and took up residence with Finn. However, their relationship was irrevocably altered. Finn saw Des as nothing more than a house servant, using him for his labor.
Finn’s Love Life Takes New Turns
Throughout her life, Finn experienced several romantic entanglements, including a relationship with Ray O’Connor, the Perth Minister of Police. She also took up with Rose Black, an escort, who eventually became a resident in her home.
Finn’s Mysterious Investments Spark Suspicions
By 1974, Finn was managing and investing substantial amounts of cash. She maintained that the funds belonged to a friend and that she was merely helping with investments. However, tax authorities had their doubts and suspected her of engaging in money laundering activities.
The Taxman’s Pursuit of Finn’s Hidden Wealth
The tax authorities zeroed in on Finn, conducting a thorough audit of her bank accounts to uncover any evidence of money laundering on behalf of Perth’s elite. Their attention was drawn to a large transaction from the Hong Kong Syndicate Trust. Despite Finn’s insistence that the money was simply being held in savings for a friend, the tax authorities were skeptical.
Convinced that Finn was hiding taxable income and facilitating money laundering for Perth’s upper crust, the taxmen ramped up the pressure, demanding that she reveal the names behind the illicit activities.
Finn’s Dilemma: Confess or Face the Consequences
Finn’s lawyer delivered a dire warning: if she did not disclose the source of her mysterious funds to the tax authorities, they would come after everything she had worked so hard for – her club, brothels, and even her beloved mansion. Finn knew all too well the dangers of revealing her secrets to the authorities.
The taxmen believed that Finn had been laundering money for someone since 1970, and they were now threatening her with a massive $150,000 tax bill. With their relentless pursuit and the threat of a hefty bill and possible jail term hanging over her, Finn was faced with a critical decision. Should she reveal the truth and risk the consequences, or keep quiet and hope for the best? The choice was hers, and time was running out.
Finn’s Life Hangs in the Balance
Rumors swirled that Finn was using her trips to Hong Kong to launder money for the city’s most dangerous players: underworld mafias, corrupt police officers, and even politicians. Faced with the daunting prospect of a $150,000 tax bill, Finn found herself in a difficult position. She had always kept her clients’ confidentiality intact, but now she was considering breaking that trust in order to avoid ruin.
However, news of the tax investigation did not stay quiet for long. It soon reached the ears of Finn’s powerful clients, who were not about to stand idly by. As Finn weighed her options, she knew that her decision could set off a chain of events with disastrous consequences.
Mysterious Fire and Explosion Rocks Finn’s Business: Part of Intimidation Campaign Amid Tax Investigation?
As tensions rose and the tax investigation continued, tragedy struck Finn’s world. In September of 1974, a mysterious fire gutted her beloved nightclub, leaving the cause unknown. Just a few months later, in January of 1975, an explosion rocked Finn’s brothel, thankfully causing no injuries.
It was becoming increasingly apparent that these events were part of a concerted effort to silence Finn and keep her from revealing any secrets to the tax officials. Her once powerful friends, who she had thought were in her corner, had now turned against her. The stakes were higher than ever as Finn struggled to keep her business and life intact.
The Desperate Gamble: Finn’s Final Hours Before Her Tragic End
As the clock ticked down to her final hearing with the Taxation Department on June 24, 1975, Finn was running out of options. Desperate to escape her precarious situation, she sought out the acting Police Commissioner of WA, Owen Leitch, for help. But when she warned him that she would name names if pushed to the brink, Leitch’s response was chilling. He told her to keep quiet, even threatening her with violence if she didn’t comply.
Despite the danger, Finn was determined to find a way out. Leitch suggested she meet a “powerful person” who could help, and instructed her to dress nicely for the meeting. With two days to go before her final hearing, Finn was filled with a mix of hope and fear as she prepared for the meeting, even showing her bookkeeper and nightclub owner, Don Mach, the beige satin dress she planned to wear. Little did she know, this dress would be the last she would ever wear as she was tragically murdered that night.
Shirley Finn’s Final Hope: The Mysterious Meeting before the Tax Hearing
With time running out and her final hearing with the Taxation Department fast approaching, Finn was willing to take any help she could get. A mysterious person had offered to assist her in solving her troubles, and Finn was ready to take the chance, even if she didn’t know the person’s name or their true intentions. On June 22, two days before her crucial tax hearing on June 24, Finn had scheduled a life-altering meeting with this mysterious savior.
Despite not having all the answers, Finn was hopeful that this meeting would finally bring her the resolution she desperately needed. She confided in her lawyer, daughter Bridget, and lover Rose Black, sharing her excitement and anticipation for the meeting that could potentially change everything. Little did she know that this would be the last meeting she’d ever attend.
Timeline of Shirley Finn’s Last Day: A Tragic Turn of Events
June 22, 1975
- Morning: Shirley Finn spends the morning running errands with Rose.
- Afternoon: Shirley spends her afternoon talking to her husband, Des.
- Evening: Shirley, Rose, and Bridget have a barbecue and a meal by the pool.
- 5:00 PM: Shirley calls the Babysitting service but the company has no one available.
- 7:50 PM: Rose leaves in a taxi to stay at a friend’s house.
- 9:40 PM: Rose calls Shirley to check about the meeting. Shirley informs her that the person she’s meeting hasn’t arrived yet.
- Around 9:40 PM: A neighbor spots Shirley leaving her house in her white Dodge Phoenix, dressed in a cinnamon-colored ballgown embellished with gold and jewelry, heading towards the Royal Perth Golf Club, only a half-mile away.

June 23, 1975
8:30 AM – Police constable Jeff McMurray discovers a white abandoned car pulled over next to the 7th Fairway of the Royal Perth Golf Club.
8:31 AM – Upon approaching the car, Constable McMurray finds Shirley Finn in the driver’s seat, slumped over and covered in blood.
8:32 AM – The police officer realizes that Shirley has been shot four times in the head from close range and confirms her identity.
9:00 AM – The news of Shirley Finn’s murder spreads through the city, stunning Perth residents.
Days after – Police and politicians come under suspicion as the motive behind Shirley’s murder is connected to her upcoming tax hearing on June 24, where she had threatened to reveal the corrupt dealings of powerful figures in the police, politics, and corporate world if she did not receive help with her tax obligation.

Uncovering the Truth Behind Shirley Finn’s Tragic End
As the investigation into Shirley Finn’s death continued, Coroner Barry King initiated an inquiry to uncover the truth. Despite his best efforts, King was unable to definitively identify the culprit responsible for the killing. However, King had a suspicion that Finn may have been silenced for attempting to blackmail corrupt police officers.
The list of potential suspects included several prominent figures from the criminal underworld and corrupt officials such as former vice squad chief Bernie Johnson, former vice squad detective Robert Nevin, notorious Sydney criminal kingpin Arthur Stanley “Neddy” Smith, and former head of the Criminal Investigation Branch, Don Hancock.
Although the evidence was mostly circumstantial and the coroner could not directly link any of the suspects to Finn’s murder, one thing was certain: someone had a motive to silence her.
Latest update on Shirley Finn’s murder inquest
The inquiry into the murder of Shirley Finn was riddled with incompetence, with numerous suspects and crucial pieces of evidence, such as the murder weapon and her car, disappearing before the inquest’s conclusion in June 2019.
Coroner Barry King’s final report, published on August 12, 2020, offers insight into the possible motives behind Finn’s assassination. King posited that it was highly likely that Finn was murdered because she attempted to blackmail the police about their corrupt activities.
Despite identifying several suspects, including three officers from the Western Australian Police and Sydney criminal Neddy Smith, there wasn’t enough definitive evidence to determine who the killer was.
Shirley Finn’s daughter, Bridget Shewring, remains dissatisfied with the lack of closure. She had hoped that the inquest would have been conducted earlier when she and her brothers initially applied in 2005, when all involved parties were still alive.
Regrettably, one of Australia’s most enduring unsolved murder mysteries persists, and the truth behind Shirley Finn’s demise remains elusive to this day.
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Source –
Shirley Finn inquest unable to solve long-running mystery of who murdered brothel madam
Woman tells Shirley Finn inquest she overheard brothel madam claim she was being followed